Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Swine Flu Outbreak

The Swine Flu is in the news of late with outbreaks in Mexico and parts of the United States. Here is my disclaimer, I am not a doctor nor do I work in the health care profession. I am a writer who did a little research  on Swine Flu and wanted to share what I found. According to the CNN website the Swine Flu recently infected 8 people in the United States and killed at least 68 in Mexico.

Swine Flu is what is sounds like, a strain of influenza that usually affects hogs but can spread to people. Like all forms of the flu this version is the most dangerous to the very old, very young and people with a compromised immune system.

The best way to avoid catching the Swine Flu is by frequent hand washing and by avoiding people who are clearly sick. Of course using some type of germ killing disinfectant in your home cleaning can probably help as well. Out in public be aware of where you put your hands, door knobs often are loaded with germs. Ladies you may also want to reconsider laying your purse on the floor in a public place. When you pick it up you also pick up lots of germs.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereafter referred to as CDC) has this to say about Swine Flu on their website. The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Click this link to go to the CDC page for more information on Swine Flu or other topics.

Let me be clear about how you catch Swine Flu, you don't do so by eating pork. You can catch Swine Flu from an infected person or by being around infected hogs. There are vaccines to protect pigs or hogs but not humans form Swine Flu.

The problem with virus's like Swine Flu is that they adapt over time and are able to shake off attempts to fight them with medicines. One advantage we have in America over Mexico though is better health care. I don't expect the Swine Flu outbreak to be as bad or as deadly in the United States.


Published by Randy Inman - Featured Sports Contributor Im 40 years old, Grew up in North Carolina, and descend from the same family as the person the Inman Character was based on in the movie/book Cold Mountain. I run and love Pro Football. Spor...  View profile
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