Saturday, August 14, 2010

Swine Flu Might Be on the Path to a Pandemic

I have read and heard from many news outlets about the swine flu and wanted to write on it, based on some information I compiled.

There is great concern now over this swine virus, mostly in the U.S. and Mexico. We watch horror movies about people being quarantined due to a virus. Now this virus is at the verge of

 becoming an pandemic and it's no horror movie.

Swine Flu and its Symptoms

Swine flu is a very contagious respiratory disease. It derived from a mutation of pig and human genes. Symptoms are not recognizable as they are similar symptoms of the regular flu. They Include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

The Swine flu outbreak in Mexico has killed nearly 70 people. People in Mexico have resulted to wearing masks, canceling concert events, and closing down schools.

There were outbreaks; (none life threatening) in California there were 7 confirmed cases. There were also outbreaks in Texas and now 2 confirmed in Kansas. In NY 8 children were taken to the hospital and tested positive to swine flu in St. Francis prep, flushing, NY. It was reported on CNN that there was testing for 30 children from a day care center in the Bronx.

Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden Says that NY CITY IS Prepared for the worst case scenario. But, "You always have to look at the situation and see day to day, what you can do better, and what you can learn".

President Obama was in Mexico, but the white house is not concerned about the presidents health because he has not shown any flu like symptoms.

According to John Barry the author of The great influenza. "We are in the Path to a pandemic". Pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that spreads through populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide, according to wikipidia.

John Barry's advice is not to worry or do anything until it arrives in our community, then proceed to social distances, and cover up.

Why we should still be worried.

We thought it was only people in the south west that should be worried but in reality the Swine flu outbreaks have also been reported in Europe, Africa, and parts of eastern Asia.

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Swine Flu - How Worried Should You Be?

Swine Flu - How Worried Should You Be?

A unique strain of swine flu is suspected for having caused the deaths of dozens of people in Mexico. To try to contain the outbreak, schools, libraries, museums and theatres in the capital were closed. More than 1000

 people in Mexico have caught the virus. People in Texas and California are also thought to have been sickened.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease which infects pigs. It is common among herds of pigs where the disease causes high levels of illness but is rarely fatal. Most animals, in which the virus begins, are able to shake off the illness but when it transfers to humans, they have no immunity to this strain. The World Health Organization are convening to consider whether to raise the pandemic alert level.

This new virus has been found to combine genetic material from pigs, birds and humans in a way researchers have not seen before. It contains human virus, avian virus from North America and pig viruses from North America, Europe and Asia. It is not known whether it is completely new or it has been around for a while but only now has been detected.

It tends to spread in autumn and winter but can occur all year round.

Swine Flu Outbreak - What are the Symptoms

The symptoms of swine flu in humans are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular seasonal influenza. These include: FeverLethargyLack of appetite and Coughing.

Some people with swine flu have also reported: Runny noseSore throatNauseaVomiting and Diarrhea.

How Does Swine Flu Spread?

You can't catch Swine Flu by eating pork.

Influenza viruses can be transmitted directly from pigs to people and vice versa. Humans who catch flu viruses from pigs are most likely to do so because they are in close proximity to infected pigs. This is then transferred from human to human.

Swine flu is thought to spread in the same way as seasonal flu. This is mainly person-to-person transmission through coughing and sneezing of people infected with the influenza virus.

People can also become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it then touching their mouth or nose.

Precautions Against Catching Swine Flu:

Published by Carole Anne Somerville - Featured Alternative Medicine Contributor Astrology is my subject and a one I truly believe in. Alternative Therapies, Psychology, the tarot, dream interpretation and spiritual realms fascinate me too. Professionally and for personal enjoyment I lik...  View profile
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Swine Flu Update - 23 Month Old Child Dies UPDATED INFORMATION

The Today Show reports that the swine flu has taken the life of its first US victim, a 23 month old child in Texas. No other details have been released regarding this first tiny victim.

Officials are requesting that the flu not be referred to as the swine flu. You cannot get this particular flu from a pig or from eating pig meat such as ham, pork chops or ribs. Official requested the flu be referred to

 as H1-N1 flu. This flu is passed from human to human. Mexico is still trying to track down the origin of this flu while the country seems to be on lock down, people are still allowed to cross the border back and form from Mexico to the United States.

Hand washing is not only a preventative for avoiding the flu; it is also a good defense against catching the common cold. When we touch a person who has the flu or a cold, we get the germs on our hands. If we then touch our face the germs are spread and we can possibly come down with the flu or cold.

Schools in New York City were closed for several days. Some South Carolina schools have been closed due to the H1-N1 flu. Indiana has been added to the list of states where swine flu has been reported.

The Today Show interviewed a female who had the swing (H1-N1) flu and has recovered. She indicated it was not bad. She said she had a cough and sore throat. She appeared totally healthy as she talked about her ordeal.

Symptoms are similar to other flu symptoms. If you have a cough, respiratory problems, sore throat, chills and fever it would be best to visit your doctor. If you have these symptoms contact your doctor. Flu symptoms in the US victims are much less severe as those who contacted it in Mexico.

Most public gathering places in Mexico have been closed. That includes movie theaters, malls and restaurants. Some restaurants are providing take-out orders.

Published by Abby Greenhill - Featured Pets Contributor; Featured Travel Contributor Abby is a retired Administrative Assistant. She enjoys life while being part of the AC community helping others as a Community Guide. She is a pet lover who has many years experience as a dog owner. She l...  View profile
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Unemployed, Uninsured, and Worrying About the Swine Flu Virus

The news seems to be getting more grim each day. The United States now has one confirmed death related to the swine flu virus, a toddler in Texas. The virus has now been found in ten states, double what it was  yesterday. The World Health Organization has expressed concern that swine flu virus is moving closer to becoming a pandemic.

And you're out of work with no health insurance.

The scariest thing about losing your job is wondering how you are going to support yourself. This includes your health care and whatever coverage you may have lost when you got laid off. Thanks to President Obama, COBRA health insurance is now much more affordable than in the past, with the government picking up 65% of the tab. So from what once cost nearly $500 a month just to cover yourself, now is less than $200.

If you have recently been laid off and still have the option to purchase the COBRA insurance, I wouldn't hesitate to pick up the coverage. Getting sick can be expensive in America, and getting an illness like swine flu virus is not something to ignore. With the symptoms of swine flu virus and regular seasonal influenza being identical, it's best to go immediately to your doctor if you begin to feel sick. Catching swine flu in its earlier stages will likely result in a milder case and a quicker recovery time.

But what if you do not have COBRA health insurance and you are worried about getting sick? What if swine flu moves into a pandemic stage? Here is where you need the 'ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' motto. According to the Centers For Disease Control website, the best ways to prevent from getting swine flu virus are as follows:

Wash hands often with soap and water

Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough

Stay away from people who may be sick

Avoid touching eyes. nose and mouth, as germs spread quickly this way

Published by Jennifer Budd Radio Journalism Experience: -WBGO-FM-Freelance reporter/anchor 2008-2009 -Fox News Radio-Freelance national news anchor 2007 -Shadow Traffic NYC-Drive time traffic reporter, producer and news anchor 19...  View profile
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Carnival Cruise Swine Flu Statement Fails to Calm Stock Market

Carnival Cruise calms travelers' fears when it comes to swine flu and travel related questions, but is this enough for Wall Street? As the recession weakened economy receives another hit,  do business travelers know what to do if they suspect exposure to swine flu?

No Carnival Cruise Swine Flu Cases

In a statement reported by Reuters, Carnival Cruise lines reports that when it comes to swine flu and travel, there is no information on any Carnival Cruise swine flu cases. With swine flu making virtually hourly news and Mexico appearing to be ground zero for the latest outbreak, it stands to reason that some travelers of Carnival Cruise lines might be getting cold feet.

Airlines also fear the fiscal punch the swine flu may bring, and Singapore Airlines is on record stating that its cabin crew is charged with the responsibility of locating and presumably isolating passengers who shows signs of infection. At the same time, the staff will not wear face masks to protect themselves from swine flu containing sputum, nor will planes be disinfected.

Swine Flu and Travel Fears Dominate Recession Weakened Stock Market

Mexico relies heavily on the tourism dollar, but over the last few days the Mexican peso dropped significantly when compared to the American dollar, even as news outlets showed travelers crossing into Mexico in spite of the lethal swine flu cases reported there. Moreover, the Wall Street Journal suggests that travel related stocks are dovetailing perilously, and points to the losses airlines and also cruise lines are reporting.

Carnival in particular lost seven percent in the London market, while it dropped nine percent in the American venue. Royal Caribbean is not exempt and actually saw double digit losses on Wall Street. This explains the Carnival Cruise swine flu statement.

Making Swine Flu Travel Arrangements

Published by Sylvia Cochran - Featured Home Improvement, Pets, Parenting and Local Contributor Sylvia Cochran is AC's author known for edgy yet non-partisan news writing. Freelance writer, German/English translator, AC Community Guide, "Best of AC" '08 Election Coverage Award winner and Featured 'Home...  View profile
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What You Can Do About the Swine Flu

The symptoms of the swine flu are very similar to the human influenza virus. Fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, body aches and muscle aches are the normal symptoms. Should you begin to have any of these  symptoms, you should go to the doctor immediately.

Good news though. The swine flu is easy to prevent. Vaccines to counteract the virus are still is development and therefore a good defense is the best offense.

Wash your hands!! I can't stress this enough. Hand washing is the single best preventative technique there is. Nurses and doctors wash their hands with simple warm water and soap before and after seeing each patient. Your skin is designed to keep bacteria and virus' out. Washing them frequently is the best way to make sure they aren't there waiting for a break in the skin to get in and set up shop.

If you feel ill, go to the doctor, go home and rest. Stay away from public places. If you must be out, cover your mouth and nose. If you need to couch, do it into a tissue and throw it away immediately. Don't use a handkerchief and put it back into your pocket. if you couch into your hand, wash them immediately. Do not touch door knobs or handles with a dirty hand.

I know these seem mundane and straightforward but they really are the best ways to prevent the spread of the swine flu.

Published by Brian Wilkerson I am an online entrepreneur who specializes in unique technologies. I can be found at I also own a tax preparation service in Jackson, MI called Midwest Tax Consultants.  View profile
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Millions Asking 'How Do You Get Swine Flu?' as Number of Swine Flu Cases Increases

Millions Asking 'How Do You Get Swine Flu?' as Number of Swine Flu Cases Increases - Associated Content - associatedcontent.comAssociated Content HomeHealth & WellnessHome »Health & Wellness Millions Asking 'How Do You Get Swine Flu?' as Number of Swine Flu Cases IncreasesAdjust font-size:+ –Ryan Christopher DeVaultPublished April 27, 2009 by:Ryan Christopher DeVaultView Profile | Follow | Add to FavoritesMore:Swine Flu SymptomsSwine Flu OutbreakWhat is Swine FluSymptoms of Swine FluA Look at How Swine Flu Can Be Contracted, and Whether or Not Pork Products Are Safe to Eat Right NowConcerns about the swine flu outbreak have had many people worried about what swine flu symptoms look like, how swine flu is treated, and further wondering just how do you get swine fluinthe first place. Some of the questions are easier to answer than others, but there is a lot of factual information out there about what is safe and what is not at this point in time.

How do you get swine flu?

Swine flu is much like many other types of flu viruses, in that it is spread through unhygienic actions, and can be worst in groups of people. Precautions should include cleanliness, washing of the hands, not being in an environment where the swine flu has been spotted, and keeping quarantined those individuals that could be suffering from it. Swine influenza, unlike bird flu previously, is able to be passed from human to human through direct contact. Keeping that in mind, it is a good idea to preach cleanliness to your friends and family, and believe the CDC when they are stating that this is something that can be dealt with.

Where does swine flu come from?

The original strain of the virus is thought to have come from pigs, but has adapted itself so that it is now transmitted among humans. This isn't unlike many other diseases that have adapted in the same manner, and it doesn't mean that pigs are any less safe as a result, just that humans need to take every precaution when dealing with them. The particular strain of the swine virus, which everyone is reading about, is coming from Mexico. Right now, the strain of swine flu that the CDC is dealing with can be treated by two drugs that are showing good success rates.

What are swine flu symptoms?

- Sudden Fever
- Lethargy
- Loss of Appetite
- Excessive Coughing
- Sore Throat
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Nausea

Is it safe to eat pork?

The Alabama Farmer's Federation has stated that "Swine flu is not transmitted by food and the subtype affecting humans in Mexico and the United States has not been found in pigs and hogs. "Families can have confidence that the pork they purchase is safe to eat, and there is no reason to be concerned if you live or work near a pork production facility."

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10/02/2009omg i have o do a report on this and now i will probably get an a+!!!!!Thanks!Mike Silverman
07/08/2009Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder.Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway.Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI againstthe World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government corporate officials including President Obama, David deRoschild and David Rockefeller concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her chargesfiled in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine. Read it all at and and
06/20/2009Omg Scaryy Mags
05/01/2009Great information here!Sharan
04/28/2009im scared to be at school! mainly because there are more than 2000 kids at my school !Press-Wave
04/28/2009go to google and write "TFK swine flu" and go to first choiceTrevor
04/28/2009Swine Flu = Epic Failjenna
04/28/2009omg im scared to get that Patricia Sheasley Sicilia
04/28/2009Good info, I'm just avoiding large crowds!Comments 1 - 10 (of 11)12Next >> Alternative MedicineDiseases & ConditionsOther Categories »advanced »Log in  |  Sign up/Publish  |  Community  |  HelpClose Forget your password?Home|About Us|Help|Advertising Solutions|Partner Solutions|The Blog|RSS/Widgets|Privacy Policy|Terms of Use|Site Map|Copyright Infringement|Disclaimer© 2010 Associated Content, Inc. Yahoo! HealthExpandShareTweetShare on FacebookPost a comment112Helpful?Most CommentedForget your password?Log inSign up/PublishCOMSCORE.beacon({c1:2,c2:6034775,c3:"",c4:"",c5:"5",c6:"",c15:""});var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-31488-1");pageTracker._setDomainName("");pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Swine Flu Case Reported in Spokane, Washington

Swine flu has hit Spokane, Washington. The news, according to Washington State health officials, is that a probable case of swine flu has been confirmed in the city of Spokane. The case has been found in a man that  works for the county, and while it is being stated that the case is only a "probable" instance of the swine flu, all types of precautions are now being taken in the city.

Health officials held a press conference at around 9 p.m. on Wednesday night in order to update the press and the public on news surrounding this case, and the prognosis seemed grim from the two presenters. They wouldn't commit to this being an official case of swine flu, but with 6 probably cases being reported in Washington State as of 9:00 p.m. it seems that they don't want to make any wrong steps at this moment. It also seemed like they had a lot of fear in their information, and it could just have been nerves, but they continuously urged reporters to double check their facts before reporting anything.

The worry of course is that people will act badly when confronted with the news that there is a possible outbreak of swine flu in Spokane, and it is always wise for public officials to approach items like these with caution and care. The press conference served to fill in a lot of information about this particular strain of influenza, and update everyone on why the swine flu could be so hard to deal with.

A second press conference is scheduled for 3 p.m. Thursday in Spokane, Washington to further update everyone on the man's condition, and to hopefully return with results from further tests being done on the man who may have swine flu.

Additional Information: Swine Flu Symptoms

Published by Ryan Christopher DeVault Born in Seattle, Washington, I am a 31 year old college graduate working in the field of Education and Research. I am also a professional freelance writer and news content provider.  View profile
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Swine Flu Hits United States

40 cases of swine flu have been discovered in the United States, as of 1 p.m. eastern on April 27, according to the CDC. New York City has been the hardest hit with eight cases of this dangerous  condition. Other states feeling the effect include California, Kansas, Ohio and Texas.

According to Mexico's Health Minister, Jose Cordova, 81 deaths in Mexico could be related to an outbreak of swine flu. In the last month, more than 1,000 Mexicans have fallen ill with symptoms of swine flu. The Mexican government has declared a state of emergency.

The Center for Disease Control has activated the Emergency Operations Center to investigate these cases. They are working closely with the states that have been effected by the swine flu.

The CDC has discovered that the swine flu virus can be counteracted by prescription antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir and zanamivir. The CDC has moved about 12 million doses of Tamiflu from the federal stockpile to the affected states.

What is Swine Flu?

The CDC states swine flu is "a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza." Humans rarely contract swine flue. Most times, it is the result of direct contact with pigs. However, the recent cases are under investigation.

What are the Symptoms of Swine Flu?

Swine flu mirrors many symptoms of the typical flu strains humans catch. These symptoms include fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, cough, runny nose, sore throat and possible vomiting and diarrhea.

How is Swine Flu Diagnosed?

A respiratory specimen must be taken from the patient during the first 4 to 5 days of the illness. The specimen is then sent to the CDC for identification.

Avoiding Swine Flu

Everyone should take the same precautions for swine flu as any other flu strain. Make sure to cover your nose and mouth if you cough. Wash your hands frequently. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Do your best to avoid contact with those who are ill.

Should Americans be Concerned About Swine Flu?

Published by Kristy Martz Kristy is a freelance article and short story writer who has lived in 13 different places. Her nomadic upbringing has given her a wide range of experiences to write about.  View profile
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Pandemic of Fear, but not yet a Pandemic of Swine Flu

A pandemic of fear has taken the world by storm, as news of the disease known as Swine Flu and the disease itself spread across the globe. As of April 26, 2009 at 4:45 pm, per the CDC the disease is not currently at  pandemic proportions. From Tweeting to speaking out in forums to Facebook, there is speculation over whether or not the current outbreak of Swine Flu is the result of a terrorist attack, a lab specimen inadvertently having been released or a natural occurrence.

Discussions mainly center on the unlikelihood of this new virus containing, "genes from North American swine and avian influenza, human influenza and swine influenza normally found in Asia and Europe" having occurred naturally". and other sites have caused more than an eyebrow to be raised when commenting on the "strange combination [of the Swine Flu components] never seen before and having less than 1/10% chance of being a natural event".

Swine Flu: A Natural Phenomenon

Although the combination of these components of Swine Flu occurring naturally is high, it does not mean it is not possible. People fear what they fail to understand. The Swine Flu that is spreading is a type of RNA virus. RNA virus readily mutates and therefore is impossible to control. There are other virus and biologic agents that could more easily controlled; other virus than Swine Flu are more deadly. Agents like Anthrax, are the types of virus that a terrorist would normally look to cause death and fear.

The World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as the Department of Homeland Security have no indication on their website that we are dealing with biological warfare. As far as these experts are concerned, this combination of components within Swine Flu is a natural phenomenon.

Facts on Swine Flu & Trusted Sources of Information

Published by Artisttia Yarns Described by her publisher as "She is a...nurse and counselor... Much of her work has focused on abused women...(She)wrote Mimi's Tale: A Story of Transformation."After 2 strokes,she is relearning to read an...  View profile
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Swine Flu Outbreak in the USA and Mexico

As of 7:30 pm Saturday, April 25, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed a total count of 11 cases of Swine Influenza A (H1N1) in the United States. This is a new virus which contains "genes from  North American swine and avian influenza, human influenza and swine influenza normally found in Asia and Europe" according to the chief of the CDC's Influenza Division. Of note is that none of the patients had contact with either people that had regular contact with pigs or pigs themselves. This strain of swine flu has also shown some resistance to antiviral drugs.

California has seven cases; Texas and Kansas each have two laboratory confirmed cases of the virus. At this time, there are currently eight unconfirmed cases of the Swine Flu in a private school, St. Francis Preparatory School in Queens, New York. Specimens have been obtained from the students and have been sent to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to confirm the presence of Swine Flu. According to Anne Schuchat, MD, the CDC's interim deputy director for science and public health program, declared at a news conference, "We are likely to find it [Swine Flu] in many other places. We don't think containment [of the virus] is feasible."

On the international front, in Mexico City 68 people have die pneumonia and 20 of these are a confirmed result from Swine Flu. Investigations, at this time, continue to see if these deaths are related to the recent outbreak of Swine Flu. Health officials in the US and Mexico are concerned because over 1,000 people have become infected in Mexico City in a short time span. The illness appears to be more virulent in Mexico that the US.

It is possible that President's Obama's trip may have been exposed to Swine Flu, as he was in Mexico at the approximate time of the initial outbreak. Apparently, the anthropologist that greeted Obama at the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, died the following day of flu-like symptoms. It has not been confirmed if the anthropologist, Felipe Solis, died of Swine Flu or not.

Published by Artisttia Yarns Described by her publisher as "She is a...nurse and counselor... Much of her work has focused on abused women...(She)wrote Mimi's Tale: A Story of Transformation."After 2 strokes,she is relearning to read an...  View profile
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Swine Flu and Travel

San Bernardino, California April 29, 2009 - Cancellation of road trip to ranch outside of Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico

The swine flu out break has caused me to cancel a road trip planned for the second week of May to a

ranch out side of Tepic Nayarit, Mexico.

This trip has been in the works for the past three months, the motor home has been tuned up, new tires all the way around and every thing readied for the trip.

Now that Mexico has basically shut down due to this swine flu outbreak, closing public buildings, restaurants and other services. Traveling through Mexico in a motor home just does not seem practical at this point.

The CDC is warning US citizen not to travel to Mexico if at all possible and WHO has raised up its pandemic warning to a stage 4 and said if it looked like people with no connection to Mexico were infecting more than just one other person, they would declare a stage 5 alert, meaning a pandemic was imminent.

Not knowing what is causing this new strain of swine flu or where it originated or why it is spreading at the rate it is causes great concern. Mexico is now over burdened with those who are already ill and others panicking in fear of this new influenza.

The Mexican people are going to suffer an economical loss from this outbreak and many are already off work due to all the government closures that are now in place. This could also lead to other problems along my planned route. Traveling through Mexico can be a bit dangerous under normal circumstances but adding the stress of this swine flu epidemic is not going to improve the situation at all.

There is no way of knowing if there will be a fuel shortage along the route or if the areas I would be traveling through would have other shortages that could effect my ability to reach my destination. You always run the chance of being robbed when you drive a motor home with plates from any state in the USA through parts of Mexico so when there are health and economical problems this just increases your risk.

Published by R.C. Bybee A retired nurse, partner in a home renovation business and a real estate investor, with a website on how to retire successfully in this economy.  View profile
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Recent Outbreak of Swine Flu

Various news and health agencies are now reporting an outbreak of influenza called the swine flu. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that cases of swine flu have been confirmed in parts of southern California,  near the San Antonio area of Texas, and in Mexico. The CDC is not currently recommending restricted travel to these areas.

Reports indicated that there are already dozens of cases of individuals that have been infected and the fear is that swine flu will continue to spread. What is so concerning about the current spread of swine flu is that a younger age demographic are becoming very ill; this is not the usual pattern, where either the very old or very young typically become severely ill. Following are answers to some questions about swine flu and ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.

What is swine flu?

Swine flu is a respiratory disease commonly found among pigs. It is caused by a strain of influenza—type A. It is not normally infectious to humans, but can be transmitted through contact with infected pigs or contaminated surfaces/areas.

How is swine flu spread?

Again, although not usual, it can be spread through human contact with infected pigs or surfaces contaminated with swine flu virus. It can also be spread from person-to-person through droplets: coughing and sneezing.

What are the symptoms of swine flu?

The symptoms of swine flu are generally very similar to what you would expect with strains of flu common to humans: fever, sore throat, weakness, headache, chills, cough, and aching body.

Can swine flu kill?

According to the CDC the swine influenza has been known to cause severe respiratory illness, including pneumonia and respiratory failure and even death. Generally, even with infection of usual human strains of influenza there is a risk that some will become more acutely ill or potentially die from complications of the illness. Those with chronic disease are at an increased risk for particularly severe bouts of illness.

Can I get swine flu from eating pork or pork products?

No. The CDC states that swine flu is not transmitted through eating pork products.

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Elaboration on Swine Flu Myths

The swine flu is everywhere right now, social network sites, television, radio, etc., however there is a real potential for misinformation. Regrettably, some of the information out there is being misconstrued and  causing unnecessary panic. Are the actions being taken within the boundaries of safety, or are the overreactions caused but the myths circulated in the media? The following information will hopefully give you a piece of mind, while giving you an idea for a plan of action.

Myth #1- Swine flu can only infect you if you are in direct contact with a pig. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that in past cases of swine flu, it has only been contracted directly from pigs. Farmers or visitors at state fairs were likely candidates for swine flu. However, since it so closely resembles the Influenza Virus, it can be contracted from another person due to liquid droplets that get airborne from sneezing or coughing. You may even pick it up from a surface that an infected person has touched, only if the virus is still live.

Myth #2- You have the swine flu if you have any flu symptoms at all. This is unlikely, but if you have severe flu symptoms or a shortness of breath, check with your healthcare provider to be sure. Remember that those that have been diagnosed with swine flu currently are only showing mild symptoms. The Influenza Virus (seasonal) will likely put more people in the hospital than the swine flu.

Myth #3- Consuming pork products makes you vulnerable to the swine flu. As long as the pork products are handled and cooked properly (heated to an internal temp of 160F), then you then you will kill off most bacteria and viruses including the swine flu virus.

Myth #4- Your seasonal flu vaccination protects you from the swine flu. Note that the swine flu is a combination of influenza, avian, and swine viruses, so while the vaccination may help the human strain of it, it probably won't affect the other two forms.

Published by Risa Marks I go to school full-time all year around, I also work full-time in an office. I am super busy, but wouldn't have it any other way. When I have time, I love working on my artwork, and of course, online writing!  View profile
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Swine Flu Scam Conspiracy

Swine Flu Scam Conspiracy - Associated Content - associatedcontent.comAssociated Content HomeHealth & WellnessHome »Health & Wellness Swine Flu Scam ConspiracyAdjust font-size:+ –Marshall VennPublished May 06, 2009 by:Marshall VennView Profile | Follow | Add to FavoritesMore:Swine Flu EpidemicConspiracyWhat is Swine FluFluSarsBird FluWhy the Swine Flu Epidemic Should Be IgnoredYesterday I watched the news and heard about this new supposed flu strain that has come to surface. It is called the Swine flu. What struck me as odd is that the news reported used the same tactics to report this story as the Avian Bird Flu and SARS, all which dissipated from the news after a few weeks of people growing tired of them. I think that people want us to believe that these things are a threat to put us in a state of fear and this is not just my opinion and the reason for that is because on that same news report, there was a report of a plane flying near the New York skyline which was being escorted by a fighter pilot also to induce more fear. I find it quite laughable that these things are still trying to be implemented and nailed into humanities general psyche.

I really am starting to believe the people have grown tired of the scare tactics and really do not care anymore about these supposed threats. The truth is people are waking up to the reality that reality is what they create period and no matter how many news stories there are on T.V. citing fear, there will never be enough to control the minds of humanity anymore. I can see that this Swine Flu is just another attempt to distract the human population with yet another life of death situation along with the Recession and 9/11 scare tactics. There has been 6 recorded cases in all of Canada and probably the same in the US. Until I meet someone that has the Swine Flu or it impacts me directly, it does not exist and will not exist. If I never heard about it, it will never manifest. Out of sight, out of mind.

I have noticed that this method of thought works best for just about any sickness. I used to suffer from chronic bronchitis at least 5 or 6 times a year along with bad bouts of asthma. I soon realized the power of my mind and realized that these illnesses were caused by the same people who diagnose them. I no longer believe that I will be affected by these illnesses and never do become affected by these illnesses and I took up smoking as well! The power of the mind is a very awesome thing. As far as I am concerned the Swine Flu Scam Conspiracy is nothing to be concerned with.

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Jeva Singh-Anand
10/03/2009One of my coworkers was just diagnosed with the swine flu. So I called our local urgent care center to see just how quickly I needed to check myself in. She told me not to worry; it's not a matter of life and death. My wife, a nurse, concurs, adding it's actually milder than most seasonal strains.KYBelle
09/20/2009I agree. The Swine Flu is a man manufactured illness, which has spawned a deadly Chemical cocktail vaccination, all with the goal of lining the pockets of "The Poweres That Be" and population reduction for the progressive liberal New World Ordermarta kaye
09/04/2009If the virus is man made, man spread, as I believe, then that is why the demand is being made to get the vaccine out, to make the drug compaines richer. But do we know if the vaccine will fight against what was spread, or give us the virus? W.H.O. stated in the 70's the world was becoming over populated, and we had an outbreak of Swine flu, and thousands died from the vaccine, and then came Aids. Also, will this be used as genocide against the Arab nations??Mike Silverman
07/08/2009Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder.Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway.Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI againstthe World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government corporate officials including President Obama, David deRoschild and David Rockefeller concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her chargesfiled in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine. Read it all at and and 1 - 4 (of 4) Alternative MedicineDiseases & ConditionsOther Categories »advanced »Log in  |  Sign up/Publish  |  Community  |  HelpClose Forget your password?Home|About Us|Help|Advertising Solutions|Partner Solutions|The Blog|RSS/Widgets|Privacy Policy|Terms of Use|Site Map|Copyright Infringement|Disclaimer© 2010 Associated Content, Inc. Yahoo! HealthExpandShareTweetShare on FacebookPost a comment45Helpful?Most CommentedForget your password?Log inSign up/PublishCOMSCORE.beacon({c1:2,c2:6034775,c3:"",c4:"",c5:"5",c6:"",c15:""});var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-31488-1");pageTracker._setDomainName("");pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();
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How to Protect Children from Swine Flu

Swine Flu is spreading throughout the world and more cases are being reported almost hourly. But as a Mom your focus for the swine flu is much closer to home, how to protect your children from swine flu?

The optimal method for protecting children from the swine flu is to use common sense. Just like for any easily spread illness, children can protect themselves from swine flu by taking some pretty simple

 measures that we teach them all the time.

Make sure that children are washing their hands all the time. Not just after using the bathroom, but after they come in from playing outside, or after running errands. Germs live everywhere and especially in places were lots of people go every day, like the grocery store, drug store, shopping mall or an airport.

If soap and water is not available then carry the alcohol based hand cleaners and wipe children's hands frequently to help avoid the swine flu. Be extra cautious in elevators and escalators, where germs for diseases like the swine flu are prevalent, and wipe children's hands with cleansers after being in them. Also wipe the handle of any shopping carts that are used with cleanser before touching them.

Also make sure that children are covering their noses and mouths when sneezing or coughing. This will help to stop the spread of any germs including the swine flu. If you notice people around you that are sneezing or coughing without covering their nose and mouth then move the children to a different area right away.

If you live in an area where an outbreak of the swine flu has already been reported then be extra cautious about where children are taken outside the home. If your child has a compromised immune system, for any reason, then keep the child at home until you are more comfortable that it is safe to take your child out.

Make sure that you and your family are getting plenty of sleep, eating a balanced diet and drinking adequate water in order to stay as healthy as possible all the time. Your body will be better equipped to fight any infection that way, not just avoid catching the swine flu.

Published by Mary Zeiher Mary is a Certified Project Manager (PMP) and Freelance Writer for the Web. I have over twenty four years of IT experience and twelve years as a Project Manager. I have a passion for writing and continue t...  View profile
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Pandemic Swine Flu Preparations

Pandemic Swine Flu Preparations - Associated Content - associatedcontent.comAssociated Content HomeHealth & WellnessHome »Health & Wellness Pandemic Swine Flu PreparationsAdjust font-size:+ –Carol Bengle GilbertPublished April 28, 2009 by:Carol Bengle GilbertView Profile | Follow | Add to FavoritesMore:Flu SymptomsSwine Flu PandemicSwine Flu DeathsSymptoms of Swine FluAre You Ready If Swine Flu Hits Your Community?The World Health Organization raised the influenza pandemic alert level to 4 on a 6 point scale Monday, indicating that the swine flu virus A/H1N1 is capable of sustained human to human transmission. The outbreak which began in Mexico has quickly swept throughout the world, with confirmed or suspected cases reported in 8 U.S. states (California, Texas, Kansas, New York, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina and New Jersey), Canada, Spain, France, New Zealand, Israel, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and the United Kingdom by Monday.

The CDC is urging Americans to prepare for the possibility of severe swine flu outbreaks and even deaths, despite the mildness of U.S. outbreaks to date. While the swine flu is suspected of infecting almost 2,000 and causing 149 deaths in Mexico, all 48 people with swine flu in the U.S. so far have or are recovering.

Do you know what to do if swine flu ravages your community?

Know the Signs of Swine Flu A/H1N1

Know the symptoms of swine flu so you can identify potential infection: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue. Diarrhea, vomiting, pneumonia and respiratory failure are also possible.

People experiencing flu symptoms who think they might have contracted swine flu should contact their doctors from their homes for advice. The doctor may prescribe antivirals (Tamiflu (ages 1 and older) or Relenza (ages 5 and older for prevention, 7 and older for treatment)) which can potentially make the flu less intense and of shorter duration. Other antivirals are ineffective against swine flu. Unless the symptoms indicate an emergency, use of a hospital is not recommended.

Swine Flu: When Emergency Medical Attention is Needed

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Mike Silverman
07/08/2009Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder.Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway.Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI againstthe World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government corporate officials including President Obama, David deRoschild and David Rockefeller concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her chargesfiled in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine. Read it all at and and Pennington
06/01/2009Good tips on the flu in general. Flu is a killer.Marlene Frazier
04/30/2009As a person closely involved with this situation, you have given the public good advice...Thank you...Too many people are trying to give advice based on very little information...More people need to prepare themselves for the real threat rather than worry about certain immune system vitamins at this point...Thank you for your well documented article....Patricia Sheasley Sicilia
04/29/2009Good advice. Personally, I'm just avoiding crowds.samaira
04/29/2009Solid advice!!Pam Gaulin
04/28/2009Great info!Sylvia Cochran
04/28/2009Solid info. There is a rumor going around L.A. that a young man (in his 30s or early 40s) died from pneumonia caused by the swine flu, but thus far there is nothing confirmed. Charlotte Kuchinsky
04/28/2009Good to know; not that my military doctors would ever check for it anyway.jcorn
04/28/2009Vital info! Comments 1 - 10 (of 11)12Next >> Alternative MedicineDiseases & ConditionsOther Categories »advanced »Log in  |  Sign up/Publish  |  Community  |  HelpClose Forget your password?Home|About Us|Help|Advertising Solutions|Partner Solutions|The Blog|RSS/Widgets|Privacy Policy|Terms of Use|Site Map|Copyright Infringement|Disclaimer© 2010 Associated Content, Inc. Yahoo! HealthExpandShareTweetShare on FacebookPost a comment119Helpful?Most CommentedForget your password?Log inSign up/PublishCOMSCORE.beacon({c1:2,c2:6034775,c3:"",c4:"",c5:"5",c6:"",c15:""});var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-31488-1");pageTracker._setDomainName("");pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

News Alert: Swine Flu, Pregnancy and Fertility

With the swine flu now holding the potential for a worldwide pandemic, there is perhaps no one more worried about getting sick than women who are pregnant.

This is particularly true for those of you over 35 who may already be struggling with fertility issues - or maybe undergoing fertility treatments right


The good news is that pregnancy doesn't necessarily increase your risk for getting the swine flu - or any other type of flu. However, it is important to note that if you do get the flu while you are pregnant, studies show you are up to five times more likely to suffer serious complications - such as pneumonia. And that is often where most of the flu fatalities lie.

In terms of risks to your baby, the greatest threat from illnesses such as the flu occur from high fevers in the mother during pregnancy. Sustained body temperature over 101 degrees, and particularly over 102 degrees can increase the risk of miscarriage and lead to an increased risk of neural tube defects in your baby - which include life-threatening malformations of the brain and spine.

The good news is there are things you can do to prevent these problems even if you get the flu.

The first is to control your fever.The March of Dimes recommends acetaminophen (Tylenol) but talk to your doctor first to make certain it's okay for you. You should also try to keep your body as cool as possible with cold compresses, and drink plenty of fluids. Pregnancy is not the time to "sweat out " a fever.

Second is continue to take your prenatal vitamins - particularly 1000 mcg of folic acid. Studies conducted at the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities in England, found that women who took a multi vitamin high in folic acid during pregnancy decreased their baby's risk of birth defects, even if they ran a fever while pregnant.

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Friday, August 6, 2010

The Turmoil of Changing Terminals: The Effects of Swine Flu

With the arrival of the swine flu in the U.S. both airlines and the people travelling on them are left in a panic. Airline managers are screening the public as well as their employees while travelers are altering their  vacation plans in light of the current situation. Public alerts have been issued and the danger level of this potential epidemic has reached 5 on a scale of 6. As such, many people, myself included, have been forced to cancel or change our air travel habits and plans.

Being a constant traveler, the swine flu has greatly affected my schedule for the worst. As my career calls for it, I find myself constantly jetting in between states, at my own expense of course. The recent unveiling of this new scourge has not only interfered with my travel plans, but has also required me to completely change it altogether. Any and all flight routes that had been partitioned with a stop in New Mexico had to be painstakingly edited out of my agenda so as to avoid the imminent pandemic. Although it would seem to most people that such fears would be a little over the top, many, if not all of my airline trips had an ETA of at least two hours, more than enough time to contract a virus.

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Fight Mexican Swine Flu Pandemic with Exercise

A swine flu, originating from Mexico, may reach pandemic proportions, according to the World Health Organization. The Mexican swine flu virus, originally being transmitted from pig to pig, has now been getting  transferred from human to human. Current vaccines are useless, according to the WHO.

WHO reports that the swine flu has "pandemic potential." So what can one do, next to loading up on vitamin C and avoiding close proximity to other people? The problem with a swine flu pandemic is that the virus is so aggressive that, unlike typical flu sicknesses, many people besides those classically at high risk for flu, would end up contracting the virus and dying.

This means apparently healthy people in their twenties through middle-age. Children and the elderly have historically high risk for contracting the influenza virus, as do people with compromised immune systems. A swine flu pandemic couldn't care less if you were elderly, a preschooler or an active 30-year-old. This is why seemingly healthy adults need to prepare. Hardcore exercise will boost the immune system.

Exercise should consist of cardio and weight lifting. When a virus invades the body, this is an assault on the body. The body "perceives" this invasion as a stressor or trauma. The body's defense mechanisms go into high gear, and a fever results. But sometimes, the body's defense becomes overwhelmed with the trauma or stressor, and death results.

One might say that, in cases as these, the body was not prepared for the trauma. The swine viral invasion was way too shocking to the body's immune system.

If you make a habit of exercising at a hardcore, strenuous, punishing and grueling level (cardio exercise, weightlifting exercise), you will train your immune system to be more prepared for an invasion. This is because every time you engage in a punishing workout, you subject the body to severe trauma, from which it is forced to figure out how to recover from.

Published by Jillita Horton Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, and having lived in Chicago, Illinois, for several years, I now write from the Midwest. Freelance writer for print magazines and web sites.  View profile
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How to Take Care of Someone that Has Swine Flu

If someone in your household has swine flu then you are going to need to know how to take care of them and protect the rest of your family. First thing you need to do is get a professional medical  diagnosis that the person does in fact have the swine flu. Once that is verified then other steps need to be taken.

Tip #1 How to Take Care of Someone that has Swine Flu

Check with your doctor whether or not antiviral medications for the swine flu need to be taken. Some people can recover from the swine flu without taking the antiviral medications. Remember that special care will be needed for ill pregnant women and people with other conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and heart disease.

Tip #2 How to Take Care of Someone that has Swine Flu

Make sure that the infected person stays home for seven full days after the swine flu begins to show signs and the fever is gone. The patient needs to get plenty of rest during this time and drink lots of fluids to include: water, broth and sports drinks.

Tip #3 How to Take Care of Someone that has Swine Flu

Be sure that the person who has the swine flu is covering their nose and mouth when they cough and sneeze. Keep an alcohol-based hand cleaner next to the ill person so that they can clean their hands all the time. Make sure that there are additional bottles of hand cleaner throughout the house for the other members of the household to use all the time also.

Tip #4 How to Take Care of Someone that has Swine Flu

If you are the caregiver of someone that has the swine flu make sure that you spend very little time face-to-face with the ill person. Do not allow them to cough in your face if it can be avoided. For very small children make sure that you place their chin on your shoulder or pointed away from your body when they cough.

The Center for Disease Control recommends that the caregiver wear a mask when they need to be face-to-face with someone who is infected with swine flu. They also recommend that the caregiver wear a mask when they leave the house so that they do not possibly infect others.

Tip #5 How to Take Care of Someone that has Swine Flu

Published by Mary Zeiher Mary is a Certified Project Manager (PMP) and Freelance Writer for the Web. I have over twenty four years of IT experience and twelve years as a Project Manager. I have a passion for writing and continue t...  View profile
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Swine Flu Incubation Periods Being Discussed in the News as Swine Flu Outbreak Continues

With the recent swine flu outbreak comes worries about both swine flu symptoms and what the swine flu incubation period is considered. The disease continues to spread to Mexico, and  with even more cases popping up in the southern United States, as well as in a New Zealand group that had visited the country, worry is starting to spread about exactly what this virus can do, and how contagious it can be in humans. With that in mind, it is important to be very aware of swine flu symptoms and how long the flu stays in the human body.

The answer to how long that the swine flu can be contagious, or how long the swine flu incubation period can be is unfortunately a variable number depending on who has contracted the virus. According to information from the Minnesota Star Tribune, "infected persons are contagious for up to seven days from the onset or longer if they continue to display symptoms." This is taken directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but is a tad unfortunate, because that means that there is no specific number of days that can be assigned to someone who has been determined to have the swine flu.

Some of the most prevalent swine flu symptoms are fevers, a cough, or a sore throat, which again, also translate to being symptoms of other diseases. Some of those who have contracted swine flu have also been seen to have diarrhea or uncontrollable vomiting, with others also having additional symptoms of just not feeling very well at first. In all documented instances, the swine flu has shown that a fever is one of the ways that the body is trying to deal with the virus, so an elevated internal temperature is definitely something to watch for if you or someone you know has been in an infected area. In all instances, make sure to have it documented by a registered physician rather than just assuming that you may have become sick because of the swine flu.

Published by Ryan Christopher DeVault Born in Seattle, Washington, I am a 31 year old college graduate working in the field of Education and Research. I am also a professional freelance writer and news content provider.  View profile
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Texas Teen Contracts Swine Flu; Family Quarantined

With fears mounting that a deadly strain of the swine flu has been making its way across Mexico, another case has been spotted in Texas. Hayden Henshaw, a teenager living in Texas, has been confirmed to have contracted  the swine flu. After becoming ill he was rushed to the doctor and her father asked that he be checked to see if she possibly had the flu after seeing it talked about on the news. They almost immediately received the bad news that she had indeed contracted the swine flu, making him the third case to be confirmed at his Texas high school.

As of now, 68 people have been confirmed to have been killed by the virus in Mexico, and Hayden is now one of eight confirmed cases within the United States. It is causing a lot of fear in the area, as people are being asked to watch out for possible swine flu symptoms, and the World Health Organization is working hard to keep their people at the front lines. The fear is that it could spread north from Mexico, and that the flu has the potential to make a lot of people sick if it isn't brought under control in a swift manner. The worry that it may already be spreading in the United States has caused some quick movement by health officials.

When it was determined that Henshaw had the swine flu, the rest of her family was asked to give blood for testing, and were then quarantined into their home for an indefinite amount of time. Health officials have told the family to stay inside and away from the public, probably in the hopes that they can keep this from being spread around a larger population of people. It's obviously a very scary time for the family, and the hope is that they are going to be all right because it was caught so quickly when Hayden contracted the disease.

Published by Ryan Christopher DeVault Born in Seattle, Washington, I am a 31 year old college graduate working in the field of Education and Research. I am also a professional freelance writer and news content provider.  View profile
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Swine Flu May Have Spread to Orlando, Florida

Swine flu may have spread to Orlando, Florida. A visitor who came to Disney attractions may have swine flu.

New reports say a case of swine flu is awaiting conformation in Orlando, Florida. News station, WFTV in Orlando obtained an email regarding a Mexican tourist who

 recently visited Disney world. The email is allegedly from Florida Hospital officer, Loran Hauck. The email says "A case was diagnosed here in Orlando today on a tourist from Mexico who came to Disney attractions two days ago to visit,. Florida Hospital held a press conference today in which they denied the swine flu case in their Orlando hospital. Dr. Scott C. Brady, vice president of Florida Hospital in Orlando said at the press conference that "The hospital would have to wait 24 to 48 hours for confirmation from state officials.", The Miami Herald has reported. A sample has been sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, results should be available soon.

If swine flu is in fact in Orlando the tourism industry will no doubt suffer. Just like after the 9/11 attacks people will be afraid to visit places like Walt Disney world. More and more Americans are becoming aware of this new threat and are scared. Tourism all over the US will likely suffer if swine flu continues to spread.

The U.S. Department of State issued a travel advisory regarding non-essential travel to Mexico due to swine flu. As of today, cruise ships were still docking in Mexico and airlines are still flying in and out. On Monday a European Union official advised travelers to postpone travel to the United States. The AP reported that Russia, Hong Kong and Taiwan will quarantine any visitors showing symptoms of swine flu.

Published by Colleen Starr Colleen Starr is a native Floridan who is slightly obsessed with celebrities and pop culture. She always knows the latest news and gossip and will keep you informed.  View profile
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No Need to Panic: Swine Flu Facts You Need to Know

No Need to Panic: Swine Flu Facts You Need to Know - Associated Content - associatedcontent.comAssociated Content HomeHealth & WellnessHome »Health & Wellness No Need to Panic: Swine Flu Facts You Need to KnowAdjust font-size:+ –Tanya MarckettiPublished April 30, 2009 by:Tanya MarckettiView Profile | Follow | Add to FavoritesMore:Flu RemediesSwine InfluenzaSwine Flu DeathsSwine Flu PreventionPrecautions to Take Against the Swine Flu and a PandemicA concerning new strain of Swine flu has hit Mexico and more confirmed cases are being identified in the United States and other countries daily. The swine flu has not been declared a pandemic, but the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control are closely monitoring the situation. One death of a very young child in Texas has been reported. However, it appears that child contracted the virus in Mexico, and had some unidentified underlying health issues, which may have made him more susceptible to severe illness from this strain.

What is the Swine Flu?
This strain of Swine Flu is a new strain of swine flu and contains gene segments that have previously not been identified in either swine or human influenza viruses. Swine flu is a respiratory infection and caused by an Influenza A (H1N1) swine virus. However, it is genetically different from known human H1N1 virus. This particular swine flu strain contains genetic material from four viruses: North American swine influenza, avian Influenza, human influenza and swine Influenza of a Eurasian strain.

Previously, swine flu has been known to spread from pigs to humans; however, in the cases investigated to date in the United States there has been no contact with pigs, and the CDC has determined that these cases have spread from human-to-human transmission.

To date there has been one reported death in the United States; type-matching has confirmed the strain of swine flu in US cases matches the strain identified in Mexico, where 150+ people have died. In the Mexico cases, the majority of deaths have occurred among those aged 20-50. Twenty plus of these deaths have been confirmed as related to swine flu, and the rest are suspected swine flu deaths, but still undergoing testing to confirm. It is unknown why the cases in Mexico have been more severe than what has been seen here so far, but the CDC and the World Health Organization have deployed resources to Mexico to further investigate cases there.

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P V Ariel
09/16/2009Very informative and useful source. In India this flu entered a mohts back and now in our city Hyderabad/Secunderabad too it is spreading and people are getting more and more paic. this source is really a help. Thanks for sharing. PV Heidi Rucki
09/12/2009I find it's difficult to get a straight message anywhere. The news yesterday stated that swine flu has now officially been called a pandemic. This was in Hartford, ABC, Channel 7 at noon! I have mostly not listened to TV news - I find the self-serving slant of the American press to be intolerable lately. Anyway, the swine flu seems to be either hiped or played down. What is it - really?Michele Burge
09/04/2009Wow, this really helped a lot. My husband is having some of the symptoms but he doesn't have a fever. but at least if it happens again, i will know what to do. Thanks Mike Silverman
07/08/2009Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder.Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway.Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI againstthe World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government corporate officials including President Obama, David deRoschild and David Rockefeller concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her chargesfiled in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine. Read it all at and and and Mike Silverman
07/08/2009Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder.Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway.Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI againstthe World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government corporate officials including President Obama, David deRoschild and David Rockefeller concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her chargesfiled in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine. Read it all at and and and gil
05/05/2009There's no need to panic yet every other piece of information is about more deaths, more cases, who died of what, how mny died, and every other topic of discussion is on swine flu and how fatal or bad or deadly it is and is becoming Yet there's no need to panic? Because that stuff should be taken lightly? I want the government and the news to stop bullshitting and make their damn minds up and tell us the truth FOR ONCE but god knows that's wishful thinkingBethany Marsh
05/04/2009Very thorough information regarding swine flu. Comments 1 - 7 (of 7) Alternative MedicineDiseases & ConditionsOther Categories »advanced »Log in  |  Sign up/Publish  |  Community  |  HelpClose Forget your password?Home|About Us|Help|Advertising Solutions|Partner Solutions|The Blog|RSS/Widgets|Privacy Policy|Terms of Use|Site Map|Copyright Infringement|Disclaimer© 2010 Associated Content, Inc. Yahoo! HealthExpandShareTweetShare on FacebookPost a comment7Helpful?Most CommentedForget your password?Log inSign up/PublishCOMSCORE.beacon({c1:2,c2:6034775,c3:"",c4:"",c5:"5",c6:"",c15:""});var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-31488-1");pageTracker._setDomainName("");pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Swine Flu Prevention Tips

Swine flu is a virus with symptoms similar to the flu. However, some deaths have been reported from Swine Flu in other countries. Fortunately, you can protect yourself from Swine Flu by applying the following 3  strategies to strengthen your immune system:

The first thing to do is to have your vitamin D level optimized. Optimal levels are at least 70. If you rub your knuckles over your breastbone with a fair amount of pressure and feel discomfort, you likely have sub-optimal vitamin D levels. Ask your healthcare provider to order the 25 hydroxy D test (not the 1,25 hydroxy D test). Avoid Quest labs, which is not accurate.

If your levels are low, supplement with 2000 to 5000 IUs daily until your levels are optimized. You won't get vitamin D toxic on doses under 10,000 IUs daily. You can also go out in the sun until you get a little pink. This only works if you do not use soap or swim in a chlorinated pool for 48 hours after sun, otherwise you will wash off the vitamin D before it is absorbed into your blood stream. (It is OK (and adviable) to shower and use soap on your groin and axilla)

Second, I would purchase oscillococcinum, a homeopathic remedy, that is available in most pharmacies. It is an over-the -counter product that has scientific evidence confirming its benefits in reducing the duration and severity of the flu. Simply take it as soon as flu-like symptoms arise or close contacts develop the flu.

Lastly, your immune system is strengthened by healthy fruits and veggies and weakened by sugar. So, eat a wholesome diet and omit the sugary snacks until the threat has passed.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Swine Flu and You

The Swine Flu has now become a pandemic. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), cases have been reported in Mexico. Forty cases in five states in the United States: California (7), Kansas (2), New York City  (28), Ohio (1), Texas (2) have also been reported.

According to the Center for Disease Control, the swine flue "is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by Type A influenza that causes regular outbreaks in pigs." Human can also get the disease.

The Center for Disease Control says, "The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of [the] regular human flu." These symptoms include: head aches, muscle aches, fever, sore throat and fatigue. Reports of diarrhea and vomiting have also been associated with the swine flu.

The disease is contagious. The virus is spread the same way as the regular flu: through coughing, sneezing and touching. The Center for Disease Control says, "People may be able to infect others beginning one day before symptoms develop and up to seven or more days after becoming sick. The CDC also says, "Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. Droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person move through the air. Germs can be spread when a person touches respiratory droplets from another person on a surface like a desk and then touches their own eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands."

There are medications to treat the swine flu. The Center for Disease Control recommends oseltamivir or zanamivir for "treatment and/or prevention of infection." The Center for Disease Control also states: "Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms)." As always, talk to your doctor before taking any medications.

Published by Vanessa Rochea Vanessa is a student and an Author. Her greatest inspiration is her mother! Her strongest passion is being a volunteer for the "March of Dimes!" Her greatest joy is helping others! As you read, Vanessa is sc...  View profile
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