Sunday, August 8, 2010

Swine Flu Scam Conspiracy

Swine Flu Scam Conspiracy - Associated Content - associatedcontent.comAssociated Content HomeHealth & WellnessHome »Health & Wellness Swine Flu Scam ConspiracyAdjust font-size:+ –Marshall VennPublished May 06, 2009 by:Marshall VennView Profile | Follow | Add to FavoritesMore:Swine Flu EpidemicConspiracyWhat is Swine FluFluSarsBird FluWhy the Swine Flu Epidemic Should Be IgnoredYesterday I watched the news and heard about this new supposed flu strain that has come to surface. It is called the Swine flu. What struck me as odd is that the news reported used the same tactics to report this story as the Avian Bird Flu and SARS, all which dissipated from the news after a few weeks of people growing tired of them. I think that people want us to believe that these things are a threat to put us in a state of fear and this is not just my opinion and the reason for that is because on that same news report, there was a report of a plane flying near the New York skyline which was being escorted by a fighter pilot also to induce more fear. I find it quite laughable that these things are still trying to be implemented and nailed into humanities general psyche.

I really am starting to believe the people have grown tired of the scare tactics and really do not care anymore about these supposed threats. The truth is people are waking up to the reality that reality is what they create period and no matter how many news stories there are on T.V. citing fear, there will never be enough to control the minds of humanity anymore. I can see that this Swine Flu is just another attempt to distract the human population with yet another life of death situation along with the Recession and 9/11 scare tactics. There has been 6 recorded cases in all of Canada and probably the same in the US. Until I meet someone that has the Swine Flu or it impacts me directly, it does not exist and will not exist. If I never heard about it, it will never manifest. Out of sight, out of mind.

I have noticed that this method of thought works best for just about any sickness. I used to suffer from chronic bronchitis at least 5 or 6 times a year along with bad bouts of asthma. I soon realized the power of my mind and realized that these illnesses were caused by the same people who diagnose them. I no longer believe that I will be affected by these illnesses and never do become affected by these illnesses and I took up smoking as well! The power of the mind is a very awesome thing. As far as I am concerned the Swine Flu Scam Conspiracy is nothing to be concerned with.

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Jeva Singh-Anand
10/03/2009One of my coworkers was just diagnosed with the swine flu. So I called our local urgent care center to see just how quickly I needed to check myself in. She told me not to worry; it's not a matter of life and death. My wife, a nurse, concurs, adding it's actually milder than most seasonal strains.KYBelle
09/20/2009I agree. The Swine Flu is a man manufactured illness, which has spawned a deadly Chemical cocktail vaccination, all with the goal of lining the pockets of "The Poweres That Be" and population reduction for the progressive liberal New World Ordermarta kaye
09/04/2009If the virus is man made, man spread, as I believe, then that is why the demand is being made to get the vaccine out, to make the drug compaines richer. But do we know if the vaccine will fight against what was spread, or give us the virus? W.H.O. stated in the 70's the world was becoming over populated, and we had an outbreak of Swine flu, and thousands died from the vaccine, and then came Aids. Also, will this be used as genocide against the Arab nations??Mike Silverman
07/08/2009Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder.Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway.Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI againstthe World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government corporate officials including President Obama, David deRoschild and David Rockefeller concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her chargesfiled in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine. Read it all at and and 1 - 4 (of 4) Alternative MedicineDiseases & ConditionsOther Categories »advanced »Log in  |  Sign up/Publish  |  Community  |  HelpClose Forget your password?Home|About Us|Help|Advertising Solutions|Partner Solutions|The Blog|RSS/Widgets|Privacy Policy|Terms of Use|Site Map|Copyright Infringement|Disclaimer© 2010 Associated Content, Inc. Yahoo! HealthExpandShareTweetShare on FacebookPost a comment45Helpful?Most CommentedForget your password?Log inSign up/PublishCOMSCORE.beacon({c1:2,c2:6034775,c3:"",c4:"",c5:"5",c6:"",c15:""});var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-31488-1");pageTracker._setDomainName("");pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._addIgnoredRef("");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();
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