The swine flu out break has caused me to cancel a road trip planned for the second week of May to a
ranch out side of Tepic Nayarit, Mexico.
This trip has been in the works for the past three months, the motor home has been tuned up, new tires all the way around and every thing readied for the trip.
Now that Mexico has basically shut down due to this swine flu outbreak, closing public buildings, restaurants and other services. Traveling through Mexico in a motor home just does not seem practical at this point.
The CDC is warning US citizen not to travel to Mexico if at all possible and WHO has raised up its pandemic warning to a stage 4 and said if it looked like people with no connection to Mexico were infecting more than just one other person, they would declare a stage 5 alert, meaning a pandemic was imminent.
Not knowing what is causing this new strain of swine flu or where it originated or why it is spreading at the rate it is causes great concern. Mexico is now over burdened with those who are already ill and others panicking in fear of this new influenza.
The Mexican people are going to suffer an economical loss from this outbreak and many are already off work due to all the government closures that are now in place. This could also lead to other problems along my planned route. Traveling through Mexico can be a bit dangerous under normal circumstances but adding the stress of this swine flu epidemic is not going to improve the situation at all.
There is no way of knowing if there will be a fuel shortage along the route or if the areas I would be traveling through would have other shortages that could effect my ability to reach my destination. You always run the chance of being robbed when you drive a motor home with plates from any state in the USA through parts of Mexico so when there are health and economical problems this just increases your risk.
Published by R.C. Bybee A retired nurse, partner in a home renovation business and a real estate investor, with a website on how to retire successfully in this economy. View profileThis post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.
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