Friday, August 13, 2010

Unemployed, Uninsured, and Worrying About the Swine Flu Virus

The news seems to be getting more grim each day. The United States now has one confirmed death related to the swine flu virus, a toddler in Texas. The virus has now been found in ten states, double what it was  yesterday. The World Health Organization has expressed concern that swine flu virus is moving closer to becoming a pandemic.

And you're out of work with no health insurance.

The scariest thing about losing your job is wondering how you are going to support yourself. This includes your health care and whatever coverage you may have lost when you got laid off. Thanks to President Obama, COBRA health insurance is now much more affordable than in the past, with the government picking up 65% of the tab. So from what once cost nearly $500 a month just to cover yourself, now is less than $200.

If you have recently been laid off and still have the option to purchase the COBRA insurance, I wouldn't hesitate to pick up the coverage. Getting sick can be expensive in America, and getting an illness like swine flu virus is not something to ignore. With the symptoms of swine flu virus and regular seasonal influenza being identical, it's best to go immediately to your doctor if you begin to feel sick. Catching swine flu in its earlier stages will likely result in a milder case and a quicker recovery time.

But what if you do not have COBRA health insurance and you are worried about getting sick? What if swine flu moves into a pandemic stage? Here is where you need the 'ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' motto. According to the Centers For Disease Control website, the best ways to prevent from getting swine flu virus are as follows:

Wash hands often with soap and water

Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough

Stay away from people who may be sick

Avoid touching eyes. nose and mouth, as germs spread quickly this way

Published by Jennifer Budd Radio Journalism Experience: -WBGO-FM-Freelance reporter/anchor 2008-2009 -Fox News Radio-Freelance national news anchor 2007 -Shadow Traffic NYC-Drive time traffic reporter, producer and news anchor 19...  View profile
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